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Welcome to Cleo's Trust Center. Our commitment to data privacy and security is embedded in every part of our business. Use this portal to learn about our security posture and request access to our security documentation.


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REPORTSPentest Report


We are working on our security compliance. We can provide completed questionnaires upon request.

Security Grades

We are constantly monitoring the security of our website. We will post our grades from public security rating agencies when they become available.

Portal Updates

2024 Report Availability

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Greetings Cleo Trust Center Readers,

All 2024 certification and compliance audits have been completed and the documentation is now available. The Cleo ISO27001:2022 certificate and report, as well as the SSAE-18 suite, SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3, reports are all now available on the Cleo Trust Center at https://trustcenter.cleo.com.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,

Edward Brookhouse Head of Enterprise Risk and Compliance Cleo compliance@cleo.com

Published at N/A*

Greetings Cleo Trust Center Readers,

The 2024 Audit season has completed, and our ISO 27001:2022 and SSAE-18 SOC 1 Type 2, SOC 2 Type 2, and SOC 3 reports will be available in a few days.

The certifying auditor body is running behind on delivering our ISO Certificate, but issued a completion notice to fill the gap.

Any customers who would like a copy of the completion letter, please reach out to compliance@cleo.com. All final documents should be ready in a few more days.

Warm Regards, Edward Brookhouse Cleo Head of Enterprise Risk and Compliance compliance@cleo.com

Published at N/A*

Q4 2023 Vulnerability Scan Results

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Dear Cleo Community,

We are pleased to announce the successful publishing of the Cleo Q4 2023 Vulnerability Scan Results. This comprehensive scan, conducted by a dedicated team of cybersecurity experts, aimed to identify potential vulnerabilities within Cleo Integration Cloud. While we publish this quarterly, I wanted to send a personal note out with our last scan of 2023 thanking all of your for your participation and trust in Cleo.

The Cleo Q4 2023 Vulnerability Scan Results provide valuable insights into the security posture of our software, ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of data protection and integrity. Through rigorous testing and analysis, our team has identified and addressed any potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the continued safety and reliability of our software.

We understand the importance of maintaining a secure environment for our users, and the Cleo Vulnerability Scan Results reflect our commitment to proactive security measures. By regularly conducting vulnerability scans and promptly addressing any identified issues, we strive to provide you with a robust and secure software experience.

We encourage all users to review the Cleo Vulnerability Scan Results, which are now available on our website https://trustcenter.cleo.com. This update aims to foster transparency and trust within our community, allowing you to stay informed about the security measures we undertake to protect your data.

As always, we remain dedicated to continuously improving our software's security capabilities. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable in this process, so please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued trust in Cleo in 2024. Together, we will ensure a secure and reliable experience.

Edward Brookhouse

Head of Enterprise Risk and Compliance


Published at N/A

2023 Audit Cycle Completion

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The ISO 27001 certification and SOC 2 and 3 attestation documents for Cleo in 2023 have been updated in https://trustcenter.cleo.com

Please reach out to compliance@cleo.com if you have any questions.

Published at N/A

Cleo has successfully completed the 2023 Audit Cycle for SSAE 18 SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO 27001. The audits found zero nonconformities and zero exceptions. The reports will be published and available for download within 30 days.

Cleo’s objective is to appropriately preserve Privacy, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of all Cleo products and services. Cleo’s ISMS is the mechanism to appropriately identify, select, maintain, and improve our security posture organizationally. The information security program consists of both on premise and in cloud architecture, including our products Cleo Integration Cloud, Streem, LexiCom, VLProxy, VLTrader, Harmony, and Clarify solutions.

Published at N/A

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